ATPL unfrozen holders
In regard to your request concerning the “conversion examination process” based on Article 8 of regulation EU No. 1178/2011 of your ICAO license Austro Control, the civil aviation authority of Austria, would like to inform you as follows:
We kindly ask you to fill in areas 1 to 3 of the following application
The mentioned application has to be send together with the following enclosures to " applications@austrocontrol.at " :
Copy of the last pages of the flight book as evidence that the following requirements are met:
(1) 500 hours in multi-pilot operations on aeroplanes; 1500 hours in total
(2) (i) 500 hours as PIC under supervision; or
(ii) 250 hours as PIC; or
(iii) 250 hours, including at least 70 hours as PIC, and the remaining as PIC under supervision;
(3) 200 hours of cross-country flight time of which at least 100 hours shall be as PIC or as PIC under supervision;
(4) 75 hours of instrument time of which not more than 30 hours may be instrument ground time; and
(5) 100 hours of night flight as PIC or co-pilot.
Of the 1 500 hours of flight time, up to 100 hours of flight time may have been completed in an FFS and FNPT.
Of these 100 hours, only a maximum of 25 hours may be completed in an FNPT.
Also, a copy of the ICAO ATP license (with a valid MPA rating) and valid passport are to be attached to the application.
2. Booking Information
Please note that we are obliged to ask you to present your original flight books at your first day of exams and we will be crosschecking your data provided on the application.
After Austro control have confirmed the completeness of the mentioned documents and you received the confirmation email, please forward it to us ( exams@jarrahaviation.com) with list of subjects you would like to sit exams for, so we can proceed with booking your exams. Theoretical exams take place at our exams center in Amman. You are kindly requested to send us the copy of the confirmation email you will receive from Austro control at least 10 days before the first exam date.
Theory exams fees
The exam fees have to be paid by bank transfer or western union,10 days before the exams session starting date, no refund after booking the exams .